Monday, June 1, 2009

Tomato Egg Curry

I cant debate on the fact that whether the chicken came first or the egg...But one thing i know for sure is that eggs are available at a less price n is very nutritious form of food.

Eggs add protein to one's diet, as well as various other nutrients.

Chicken eggs are the most commonly eaten eggs. They supply all essential amino acids for humans,and provide several vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, riboflavin, folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, choline, iron, calcium, phosphorus and potassium. They are also an inexpensive single-food source of protein.

All of the egg's vitamin A, D and E is in the egg yolk. The egg is one of the few foods which naturally contain Vitamin D. A large egg yolk contains approximately 60 Calories (250 kilojoules); the egg white contains about 15 Calories (60 kilojoules).

A large yolk contains more than two-thirds of the recommended daily intake of 300 mg of cholesterol,it contains all of the fat in the egg and slightly less than half of the protein and much of the nutrients. It also contains all of the choline. Choline is an important nutrient for development of the brain, and is said to be important for pregnant and nursing women to ensure healthy fetal brain development.

It is a good source of nutrients for growing kids,who make a fuss while eating vegetables.

So over all the egg whites are more healthy than the yolk(yellow).But you dont need to avoid completely eating the yolk...u can eat the yolk once in a while(atleast once or twice a week) to get most of its nutrients.

I saw a video on about various tips on eggs here is the link to it

Eggs are a permanent resident in my fridge...because they come in handy whenever i am in a dilemma to what to cook.So whenever i notice they are getting over i replace them immediately.

Whenever i have some unexpected guests or whenever i am lazy i make this curry because its ready in a jiffy.My husband tells me that this egg curry was they staple food as bachelors when they came to USA to do they MS...My mom used to make this curry but with a slight variation she adds drumsticks(munnagkkai).For cooking eggs with drumsticks i follow sailusfood recipe


4 hardboiled eggs
1 big onion chopped finely
3 big tomatoes chopped/1 can of crushed tomato
4 elaichi
3 red chillies broken into two
1/2 tsp turmeric
1 tsp coriander pwd
1 tbsp chilli pwd
1 tsp ginger garlic paste
1 tsp jeera
few curry leaves
chopped cilantro
pinch of garam masala


Boil the eggs,peel the shell n make slits on it(i additionaly stir fry the eggs in bit of oil until its skin turns golden yellow n remove n keep aside.)If ur not into it u can skip the stir frying step.

Heat oil in a pan,then add the jeera,elaichi n red chillies

Next add the chopped onions,curry leaves,once they turn golden yellow add turmeric n ginger garlic paste.

Next add the chopped tomatoes and salt,mix and cover with a lid.Once they turn mushy remove the cover.

Next add the boiled eggs to the gravy n mix so that the eggs coated with the masala.

Next add the coriander pwd,chilli pwd n fry until oil starts oozing out.

Once done sprinkle some garam masala pwd n cilantro.

Serve with rice

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